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* indicates corresponding authorship!

# indicates shared first co-authorship!

$ indicates mentees!

Submitted/In revision

Chen Z#$, Kumar A#, Singh BP, Ge T, Luo Y*, Xu J. Accepted. Distribution pattern of photosynthetic carbon flow above- and belowground in biochar-amended soil.

Fu Y$, Kumar A, Chen L, Nuan L, Jiang Y, Ling N, Pan Q, Singh BP, Fang Y, Kuzyakov Y, Luo Y*, Jianming X. Accepted. Rhizosphere microbial community composition and its interaction regulates ryegrass N uptake and rhizodeposited C stabilization in biochar amended soils. 

Jeewani PH, Yu G, He X, Van Zwieten L, Liang C, Kumar A, Kuzyakov Y, Qing H, Guggenburger G, Luo Y*, Xu J. In revision. Arbuscular mycorrhiza accelerate carbon turnover by promoting rhizodeposit stabilization and rhizosphere priming effects

Sun Y*, Kumar A, Zang H, Schleuss PM, Schulte-Bisping H, Xu X, Blagodatskaya E, Kuzyakov Y, Pausch J. In review. Carbon and nitrogen availability induce contrasting organic matter priming in a forest soil.  

van Duijnen R*, Uther H, Haerdtle W, Temperton VM. Kumar A*In review. Timing matters: Distinct effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer application timing on the root system architecture.


Kumar A*, Blagodatskaya E, Dippold MA, Temperton VM. In review. Positive intercropping effects on biomass production are crop specific and involve rhizosphere enzyme activities: evidence from a field study.

Reichel R*, Kamau C, Kumar A, Temperton VM, Schröder P, Schloter M, Brüggemann N. In review. Moderated soil nitrogen losses and improved plant performance after application of crop residues to fertilized soil: A study with re-sealable rhizotrons.

Peer-reviewed journals


14). Sun Y*, Zhang H, Splettstößer T, Kumar A, Xu X, Kuzyakov Y, Pausch J. (2020) Plant intraspecific competition and growth stage alter carbon and nitrogen mineralization in the rhizosphere. Plant, Cell and Environment. doi: 10.1111/pce.13945 (link)

13). Kumar A*, van Duijnen R, Delory BM, Reichel R, Brüggemann N, Temperton VM*. (2020) Barley shoot biomass responds strongly to N:P stoichiometry and intraspecific competition, whereas roots only alter their foraging. Plant and Soil. doi: 10.1007/s11104-020-04626-w (link)

12). Kumar A*, Phillips RP, Scheibe A, Klink S, Pausch J. (2020) Organic matter priming by invasive plants depends on dominant mycorrhizal association. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107645 (link)


11). Okach DO*, Ondier JO, Kumar A, Rambold G, Tenhunen J, Huwe B, Otieno D. (2019) Livestock grazing and rainfall manipulation alter the patterning of CO2 fluxes and biomass development of the herbaceous community in a humid savanna. Plant Ecology. doi: 10.1007/s11258-019-00977-2 (link)

10). Ye L, Li H, Mortimer PE, Xu J, Gui H, Karunarathna SC, Kumar A, Hyde KD, Shi L*. (2019) Substrate preference determines macrofungal biogeography in the greater Mekong sub-region. Forests. doi: 10.3390/f10100824 (link)

9). Kumar A*, Shahbaz M, Koirala M$, Blagodatskaya E, Seidel SJ, Kuzyakov Y, Pausch J. (2019) Root trait plasticity and plant nutrient acquisition in phosphorus limited soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. doi 10.1002/jpln.201900322 (link)


8). Shahbaz M*, Kumar A, Kuzyakov Y, Borjesson G, Blagodatskaya E. (2018) Interactive priming effect of labile carbon and crop residues on SOM depends on residue decomposition stage: Three-source partitioning to evaluate mechanisms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. doi 10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.08.023 (link)


7). Okach DO*, Ondier JO, Kumar A, Rambold R, Tenhunen J, Huwe B, Otieno D. (2018) Interactive influence of livestock grazing and manipulated rainfall on soil properties in a humid tropical savanna. Journal of Soil and Sediments. doi: 10.1007/s11368-018-2117-x (link)


6). Shahbaz M*, Kumar A, Kuzyakov Y, Borjesson G, Blagodatskaya E. (2018) Priming effects induced by glucose and decaying plant residues on SOM decomposition: A three-source 13C/14C partitioning study. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 121: 138-146 (link)


5). Kumar A*, Shahbaz M, Blagodatskaya E, Kuzyakov Y, Pausch J. (2018) Maize phenology alters the distribution of enzyme activity in soil: field estimates.  Applied Soil Ecology. 125: 233-239 (link)


4). Kumar A*, Dorodnikov M, Splettstößer T, Kuzyakov Y, Pausch J. (2017) Effects of maize roots on aggregate stability and enzyme activities in soil. Geoderma 306: 50-57 (link)


3). Shahbaz M*, Kuzyakov Y, Sanaullah M, Heitkamp F, Zelenev V, Kumar A, Blagodatskaya E. (2017) Microbial decomposition of soil organic matter is mediated by quality and quantity of crop residues: mechanisms and thresholds. Biology and Fertility of Soil 53: 287-301 (link)


2). Kumar A*, Kuzyakov Y, Pausch J. (2016) Maize rhizosphere priming: field estimates using 13C natural abundance. Plant and Soil 409: 87-97. (link)


1). Dinakaran J*, Bidalia A, Kumar A, Hanief M, Meena A, Rao KS. (2016) Near infra-red spectroscopy for determination of carbon and nitrogen in Indian soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. doi: 10.1080/00103624.2016.1194990 (link)

Non peer-reviewed journals

Kumar A* (2015) Soil: Belowground answers to aboveground questions. The Botanica, 64&65: 1-4.


Kumar A* (2011) Bioindicators of freshwater ecosystem. The Botanica, 59-61:148-155.

In preparation

Kumar A*, Hesselmann M$, Meinen C, Temperton VM. Similar yet different: belowground niche complementarity in two legumes in an intercropping setting.

Kumar A*, Roy J, Reichel R, Reif P$, Brüggemann N, Stein C, Temperton VM. An unexplored dimension of agricultural productivity: plant-soil feedback effects and underlying role of soil microorganisms.

Chen Z#$, Kumar A#, Kuzyakov Y, Brookes PC, Luo Y, Xu J. Three source partitioning of CO2 fluxes from soil based on a dual 13C abundance method: a tool to investigate interactions between different C inputs.

Amit Kumar, Ph.D.                                                                                                                                               Last updated: 2021-02-05   

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